In a small town nestled at the foot of a mountain, there lived a young boy named Jack. Jack was a kind and honest boy who always spoke his mind, no matter what. He never sugar-coated his words, and he always called things as he saw them. One day, Jack was walking through the town square when he overheard a group of merchants haggling over the price of some goods. One of the merchants was trying to sell a rusty old spade to another merchant, claiming that it was a rare antique. Jack knew better. He had seen that same spade lying in the dirt behind the merchant's shop just the day before. Jack marched right up to the merchants and said, "Let's call a spade a spade. That spade is not an antique. It's a rusty old tool that you're trying to pass off as something valuable." The merchants were taken aback by Jack's boldness, but they couldn't deny the truth. Jack had exposed their scheme, and the other merchants started to murmur in agreement. Feeling embarr...